Wednesday, October 26, 2005
  "That's not a meal, that's a travesty"
2 tablespoons Louisiana Hot Sauce
2 Packets of Raman
5 packs of Ketchup
and 2 chocolate biscotti sticks coated in peanut butter.

Quite possibly the strangest meal I have EVER had.

But it was good.
You're right. That was a travesty.
but,but, its college ! you can eat anything n get away with it.. besides he can always describe it to his assorted underlings (kids, nephews/nieces, employees, what have you) as the single greatest college meal he ever had..
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So my other server is down. don't know why. That's why all the graphics aren't showing up. I've emailed my webmaster to see what's up.
In other news, I've chickened out of NaNoWriMo again. I went through my outlines and they're all just way too weak. None of them are going to hold up to solid 1 month writing. But it did get me to look at my outlines again, so now that I've spotted the weaknesses I'm going to try and turn them into strengths. This summer I hope to have my own month-of-writing. 3, actually. It's always easier when there aren't classes in the way.
SGA site also crashed today. Maybe I should just stay away from code. We reverted to a backup and did ok. Thank God for backups.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
You will be famous for writing a national bestseller

You are very observant and tend to be the wallflower at parties. You are intuitive and know just how to communicate everything that you are feeling to those around you.

Take this quiz at
I just got done cleaning up after the homecoming bonfire and it was worth every ounce of stress. We had the football coach, the cheerleaders, the Racer Girls (another cheering group), the Homecoming court, and about 200 people. We ate, a lot. The fire took a while to get let because no one thought to douse it. Yeah, we're amateurs. Live and learn. Anyway, we got it torched eventually, along with painted copies if the rival's mascots.
For the Murray State people out there, Hester won the spirit flag. Clark and Lizo tied for most spirited, Richmond got most school spirit, White earned the most violent demonstration, Hart was most artistic, and Springer/Franklin was the distinguished host.
I was thrilled to see that many people there. I did what I love to do most at big events. I ran around behind the scenes and did my best to keep everything going smoothly. Yeah, I know, you may see that as not very "Residential College Association President" of me. Personally, I think it was about the best thing I could do. This is an RCA event, if something goes wrong, it's the RCA's fault. I want to make sure that doesn't happen, so I'm gonna do my best.
Let the people who are good at talking do it the most.
Anyway, I'm thrilled, it was awesome, I'll link pictures as soon as I get them.
Monday, October 17, 2005
  Back in the game
ok, I was a chicken. I might make my hands bleed, or my eyes bleed, or just generally ruin the first half of november, but I can't ignore NaNoWriMo. I've gotta try it.
And I have a list of about 5 plots I want to run with. Actually, more like 10.
Wow. I can't wait.
Did anyone ever tell you that you're crazy!? :p
I would think, probably, a few times by now... ;-)
yeah, you would think so, wouldn't you. But most of the people who would are off at other schools now :P.
Dear Blogger,

I perused your post (Back in the game) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.
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Friday, October 14, 2005
  An Hour a Day
For the last two weeks I've been devoting an hour a day to introspection, reflection, or meditation. Some days it's been bible study, some days it's been a fiction read. Occasionally it's just been a brief time to stare at the ceiling and thank God for an hour to kill. Even if I don't have one.
I'm not doing any of my typical activities during that hour, either. A month ago I'd spend my spare time on the computer or a video game. If I had more than 15 minutes, that automatically translated into 3-5 rounds of Smash Bros, one good survival match on Soul caliber 2, or 5 more danger room sequences in X-Men.
Not really a productive way to spend my time.
And I'm learning that those hours on the games add up, but they don't relax me. Often they'd tense me up, make me edgy or keep me focused on getting to the next level. I don't buy into most of the "danger of video games" propaganda that people like Jack Thompson make a living off of, but I do know myself. I know that I'm going to do whatever I do until I do it better than anyone I know.
As you can imagine, my academic pursuits aren't quite up to my gaming record.
So taking a break from that has helped me get a little perspective again. I'm focusing on more things, and trying to devote equal time to all of them. I feel a little more relaxed even though a time or two it's meant staying up an extra hour on homework. I'm hoping to not lose this hour once NaNoWriMo kicks up. May not be easy, but if I can get some extra assignments done early than hopefully I'll keep on top of things later.

Oh, and once I get better at this time management thing, I'll hopefully be better at updating my blog, too :).
Monday, October 10, 2005
  Coffee's brewing.
I forgot about my test today.
Not, like, didn't remember all weekend or anything. I had studied for it. I just didn't remember it this morning. I went to class, drew stick figures illustrating the allegory of the cave, chatted with some friends, then walked into my Lit class and saw everyone cramming. Then, and only then, did I remember that today was day 1 of the British Literature to 1760 Midterm.
Yes, that's right, day 1. Day 2 is wednesday, and will cover everything that wasn't on today's painfully thorough test.
It's two hours later and my brain still feels like it's been through a meat grinder. I'm brewing more coffee (I forgot to put the grounds in this morning, way to go Chris.)and calling people about all the homecoming crap festivities Oct. 20th. Meeting at 5, then constitution work til 9. Homework 10:30 - dawn.
I'm really beginning to have second thoughts about NaNoWriMo, but if I don't do it now I'll probably never have the time to do it again.
At least the Johnny project's coming along. Chapter 2 finished yesterday :).
I think I may let the homecoming bonfire rest for the day. I need a nap.
Thanks for filling me in on NaNoWriMo. I will not permit myself to do it until I finish the F.B.I. curriculum that I am working on for church, but the thought of writing a novel in a month is exhilarating. I think I might try next year.

Hope everything is great with you. I enjoy the blog!
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Sunday, October 09, 2005
  Meet Johnny.
So I'm still developing my process for the NaNoWriMo. It'd be easier if my room wasn't a constant center of activity. I can't kick everybody out, so I just put my headphones on and hide in the corner. Most get the hint. If you haven't, consider this your hint. I'm writing. Leave me to it.
NaNo (I'm just gonna abbreviate it as that. it sounds less stupid) looks like it'll take an average of two to three hours a day, if I'm having a good day. Obviously, I can't devote that kind of time to anything right now, so I'm trying some alternate processes. I think I can write about an hour a day Monday - Friday, barring major projects. Sat / Sun are getting at least 3 hours each. Writers block simply isn't allowed. I'm writing, no matter how terrible. This isn't a process of quality, just an attempt to build the habit.
To warm up, I'm playing with a Johnny Theremin Challenge. They don't have a Sci-Fi Johnny yet (shame!), so I'm making the most over-the-top pulp sci-fi possible for it.
It's fun.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
  This blogger should not be allowed to type at 2 AM
So I've been browsing through the list of NaNoWriMo (you're going to get so sick of that name) writers, and I really think I can do this. I don't know that I can do it well, but I like to think they'll forgive me anyway. And this looks like just the type of kick in the rear that my writing needs.
I think I blogged about this an hour ago. Then it was only a little late.
Oh well.
I'll talk some more.
There are a couple of Nashvillians on the NaNoWriMo list actually, so if anyone out there has hunted me down via google, hello. I look forward to writing in circles around you over the course of the next month.
Just kidding.
The stories touch on just about every genre imaginable, so I don't feel bad if I decide to persue geeky sci-fi or dorky fantasy. I have a couple of ideas kicking around, but with 25 days left until launch, I'm not sure I can solidify any of them. Tristan, my roommate, has an idea that we've been kicking around for a webcomic. It could be done in first person really easily, but I'm not sure it's the style I want. Plus, the story doesn't really exist yet.
On the other end of the fence, there's a couple of short story ideas I might be able to use. Tiff and I were talking about how funny it would be for a guy to attempt to win over a girl using nothing except examples from Shakespeare. This would, of course, be cruel and unusual punishment for most people, but it would be great fun to watch and chuckle at. I mean, have you read those sonnets. Wow, what a way to make yourself memorable.
Needless to say, that's not novel length material. But a similar gimmick might kick-start an idea. I could always do a frame story and really make things complicated on myself.
Anyway, gears are turning, but I'm supposed to be sleeping. This whole "meditative approach" to things keeps really getting me sidetracked, and after I do my study for the day I find myself more awake than I was before.
Maybe I should start doing that in the mornings.
Hum quiz tomorrow.
yeah, you heard me write. NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. I’m going for it. This story has been pounding around my head for too long. I’ve taken a couple of months to get settled into school, now I’m going for it.
Wish me luck ;)
  Trying new things
I'm turning in a blog entry for class tomorrow. My comments on the Shakespeare festival are being fleshed out and turned into actual reviews. I'm also drowning in a sea of homework, but that'll all be done (or at least due) by friday. As if that weren't crazy enough, I'm fooling with homecoming (more on that later) and considering attempting NaNoWriMo this year.
That's life. I'll be insightful about it when I have the time.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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