Monday, June 18, 2007
  Was that really.....????
On the way to work this morning I drove past an organ on the side of I-40. That's right, an entire, 3-keyboard organ. Sadly, I could not stop to salvage it, which would have made for a much greater story, but still. There's an organ on the side of 40 in West Nashville. Wow.
"There's an organ on the side of I-40 in West Nashville"...sounds like a country song.

We once saw a dead Armadillo on the side of Charlotte Avenue in West Nashville.
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Friday, June 15, 2007
  Dog's are smarter than we thought
Imagine my surprise when I found a story I hadn't heard yet lurking inside the pages of the Tennessean. Alright, it took some work. It was on page 3D, back in the living section, even though it's more of a science thing, it has to do with pets, so it's more of the light-fluffy miscellany category to them. Whatever.
Dogs can actually contextualize their circumstances to make decisions that go against natural instinct. This shows a higher level of consciousness than we previously thought, a kind of search for inferences and expectations among the commands given to a dog.
Pretty cool.
Oh, the story's syndicated from the Washington Post. Here's the source link[Washington Post, login required] and here's the Tennessean's link. The Washington Post also has a discussion transcript. I haven't scraped up any of the scientific reports yet, just media fanfare, but if I find more I'll post it below.
Back to the internet for news.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
  Salvage Bin
Summer is for dreams. New ideas, following up on old ones, and just generally enjoying work-free evenings. So now that I'm out of school, I'm looking at a really long summer. Which means lots of ideas to follow up on.
I generally jot ideas down, But where'd I put them all?
Time to put all this old junk to use.
  So I was on wordpress this morning
I went to wordpress to consider moving my blog there, just because I've gotten used to their interface while working on the work blog. I'm on the new job's computer, which means ie6. Wordpress doesn't like ie6. And the more I clunked around with TRYING to get a template I liked (no customs here), the more I remembered what a pain feedback was to setup. So I came back here. New corner for all my geeky projects coming up soon. This one will remain for personal insights, unless that whole "southerner-down-under" project gets rolling again.
It's good to be back.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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