Thursday, October 20, 2005
I just got done cleaning up after the homecoming bonfire and it was worth every ounce of stress. We had the football coach, the cheerleaders, the Racer Girls (another cheering group), the Homecoming court, and about 200 people. We ate, a lot. The fire took a while to get let because no one thought to douse it. Yeah, we're amateurs. Live and learn. Anyway, we got it torched eventually, along with painted copies if the rival's mascots.
For the Murray State people out there, Hester won the spirit flag. Clark and Lizo tied for most spirited, Richmond got most school spirit, White earned the most violent demonstration, Hart was most artistic, and Springer/Franklin was the distinguished host.
I was thrilled to see that many people there. I did what I love to do most at big events. I ran around behind the scenes and did my best to keep everything going smoothly. Yeah, I know, you may see that as not very "Residential College Association President" of me. Personally, I think it was about the best thing I could do. This is an RCA event, if something goes wrong, it's the RCA's fault. I want to make sure that doesn't happen, so I'm gonna do my best.
Let the people who are good at talking do it the most.
Anyway, I'm thrilled, it was awesome, I'll link pictures as soon as I get them.
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