This blogger should not be allowed to type at 2 AM
So I've been browsing through the list of
NaNoWriMo (you're going to get so sick of that name) writers, and I really think I can do this. I don't know that I can do it well, but I like to think they'll forgive me anyway. And this looks like just the type of kick in the rear that my writing needs.
I think I blogged about this an hour ago. Then it was only a little late.
Oh well.
I'll talk some more.
There are a couple of Nashvillians on the NaNoWriMo list actually, so if anyone out there has hunted me down via google, hello. I look forward to writing in circles around you over the course of the next month.
Just kidding.
The stories touch on just about every genre imaginable, so I don't feel bad if I decide to persue geeky sci-fi or dorky fantasy. I have a couple of ideas kicking around, but with 25 days left until launch, I'm not sure I can solidify any of them. Tristan, my roommate, has an idea that we've been kicking around for a webcomic. It could be done in first person really easily, but I'm not sure it's the style I want. Plus, the story doesn't really exist yet.
On the other end of the fence, there's a couple of short story ideas I might be able to use. Tiff and I were talking about how funny it would be for a guy to attempt to win over a girl using nothing except examples from Shakespeare. This would, of course, be cruel and unusual punishment for most people, but it would be great fun to watch and chuckle at. I mean, have you read those sonnets. Wow, what a way to make yourself memorable.
Needless to say, that's not novel length material. But a similar gimmick might kick-start an idea. I could always do a frame story and really make things complicated on myself.
Anyway, gears are turning, but I'm supposed to be sleeping. This whole "meditative approach" to things keeps really getting me sidetracked, and after I do my study for the day I find myself more awake than I was before.
Maybe I should start doing that in the mornings.
Hum quiz tomorrow.