Coffee's brewing.
I forgot about my test today.
Not, like, didn't remember all weekend or anything. I had studied for it. I just didn't remember it this morning. I went to class, drew stick figures illustrating the allegory of the cave, chatted with some friends, then walked into my Lit class and saw everyone cramming. Then, and only then, did I remember that today was day 1 of the British Literature to 1760 Midterm.
Yes, that's right, day 1. Day 2 is wednesday, and will cover everything that wasn't on today's painfully thorough test.
It's two hours later and my brain still feels like it's been through a meat grinder. I'm brewing more coffee (I forgot to put the grounds in this morning, way to go Chris.)and calling people about all the homecoming
crap festivities Oct. 20th. Meeting at 5, then constitution work til 9. Homework 10:30 - dawn.
I'm really beginning to have second thoughts about NaNoWriMo, but if I don't do it now I'll probably never have the time to do it again.
At least the
Johnny project's coming along. Chapter 2 finished yesterday :).
I think I may let the homecoming bonfire rest for the day. I need a nap.