An Hour a Day
For the last two weeks I've been devoting an hour a day to introspection, reflection, or meditation. Some days it's been bible study, some days it's been a fiction read. Occasionally it's just been a brief time to stare at the ceiling and thank God for an hour to kill. Even if I don't have one.
I'm not doing any of my typical activities during that hour, either. A month ago I'd spend my spare time on the computer or a video game. If I had more than 15 minutes, that automatically translated into 3-5 rounds of Smash Bros, one good survival match on Soul caliber 2, or 5 more danger room sequences in X-Men.
Not really a productive way to spend my time.
And I'm learning that those hours on the games add up, but they don't relax me. Often they'd tense me up, make me edgy or keep me focused on getting to the next level. I don't buy into most of the "danger of video games" propaganda that people like
Jack Thompson make a living off of, but I do know myself. I know that I'm going to do whatever I do until I do it better than anyone I know.
As you can imagine, my academic pursuits aren't quite up to my gaming record.
So taking a break from that has helped me get a little perspective again. I'm focusing on more things, and trying to devote equal time to all of them. I feel a little more relaxed even though a time or two it's meant staying up an extra hour on homework. I'm hoping to not lose this hour once NaNoWriMo kicks up. May not be easy, but if I can get some extra assignments done early than hopefully I'll keep on top of things later.
Oh, and once I get better at this time management thing, I'll hopefully be better at updating my blog, too :).