Friday, April 28, 2006
  working on it...
Right now, this is how I feel.
Only a few days to go...
  At least it's not "Wii-NES"
Off slashdot today:

I know I sure as hell am NOT going to say to the store clerk "Hi, I'd like to buy that Wii you have there."

What are they going to call the eventual portable version? Mini Wee? Pocket Wii? Wii Wii ??

Will Apple want to have their own branded version? iWii! A portable Apple brand! iWiiWii!

Who's going to have a Wii party? "Dude, let's hook up our Wiis".

"Dude, I am so tired.. I was up all night playing with my Wii."

"John, can I see your Wii?"

At least there is a bright side.

It's not "Wii-NES."
We hopefully won't have a game named "Super Mario Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

You can play with your friends, and you can play with your Wii, but don't play with your Friend's Wii.

New names for Nintendo fanboys:

* Wii-ners
* Wii-nies

For those of you who still want to voice your complaints, petition here
Thursday, April 27, 2006
  Wii are self-destructing

Maybe I'm cynical, but doesn't this -taken from - just seem like a downgrade? This was the Revolution, nintendo's answer to PS3 and Xbox360. Somehow, "wii" just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? Don't get me wrong, I'm still all about getting one, but now I have to actually say in public "oh, yeah, I'm going to get me a wii." "yeah, where are your wii games?" "wanna play a little wii?"
And we all thought the Nintendo GO was a stupid name.
Monday, April 24, 2006
  Monty Python Fix
Twit olympics (google video)
I needed a good laugh, and this mind-numbing clip did just the thing. Enjoy.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
  Eating Healthy, Day 1
So Tiff's been on this site called Spark People for a while. She's trying to be all healthy, and I've been giving her a little distant encouragement.
Well, after a particularly rough night of remembering why Mexican shouldn't be eaten every third meal, I decided to sign up to. And, after one day, I'm alreay a little surprised.
Apparently, I eat more fat, sodium, and cholesterol than two of me should. Actually, in the case of cholesterol, 3 of me. Or, for sodium, 2.5 of me.
Yeah. And after Friday, I bet I'll have all of one day's nutrients across the week, too.
Now, I don't want to make another "Super-Size Me" movie, but I am definitely going to point the finger at food services for a minute. The healthiest option, besides starvation, really isn't an option there. So, I'll be getting creative with these meals if I'm going to stick to this.
Supposedly, this'll give me more energy with less caffiene, which isn't tracked through my program but which flows through me regularly. I like my caffiene, and with finals coming up I'm not going to be going without it, but cutting back couldn't hurt.
gah. Healthy is scary.
Healthy is definitely scary! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks at the wedding!
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Grendel's Dog: A Fragment from Beocat

by the Old English Epic's Unknown Author's Cat
(Modern English verse translation by the Editor's Cat)
from Henry Beard's Poetry for Cats

Brave Beocat, brood kit of Ecgthmeow,
Hearth-pet of Hrothgar, in whose high halls
He mauled without mercy many fat mice,
Night did not find napping nor snack-feasting.
The wary war-cat, whiskered paw-wielder,
Bearer of the burnished neck-belt, gold-braided collar-band,
Feller of fleas, fatal, too, to ticks,
The work of wonder-smiths, woven with witches' charms,
Sat on the throne-seat, his ears like sword-points
Upraised, sharp-tipped, listening for peril-sounds,
When he heard from the moor-hill howls of the hell-hound,
Gruesome hunger-grunts of Grendel's Great Dane,
Deadly doom-mutt, dread demon-dog.
Then boasted Beocat, noble battle-kitten,
Bane of barrow-bunnies, bold seeker of nest-booty,
"If hand of man unhasped the heavy hall-door
And freed me to frolic forth to fight the fang-bearing fiend,
I would lay the whelpling low with lethal claw-blows;
Fur would fly and the foe would taste death-food.
But resounding snooze-noise, stern slumber-thunder,
Nose-music of men snoring mead-hammered in the wine-hall,
Fills me with sorrow-feeling for Fate does not see fit
To send some fingered folk to lift the firm-fastened latch
That I might go grapple with the grim ghoul-pooch."
Thus spake the mouse-shredder, hunter of hall-pests,
Short-haired Hrodent-slayer, greatest of the pussy-Geats.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
  Irrational Fears
So I'm done flipping out, for a little while. When I get motivated, I'll switch out the dead hard drive for the new one. I lost an hour or so of gameplay on Morrowind, and about 20 hours or so on Warcraft 3. Don't think there were any docs there that aren't backed up somewhere else.
Anyway, as part of my calming down methods, I surf the net. A lot. And you already know i read a lot of webcomics. Well, here's a particularly fun one. It's PG, because she might curse occasionally, and sometimes there's a little blood, but nothing worse than your average evening in front of the tube. And it's really cute in a wierd Nightmare-Before-Christmas way. It's called "Irrational Fears." enjoy.

I know when I get busy, things are going to get ugly. So, when my old HP went sliding across the back of my truckbed and into the tailgate with a definite "crunch", I figured it was the start of something bad. The cute, bubbly casing that was trendy for your desktop-computing solution (itty bitty case that runs 100 degrees hotter than it should but takes up less room!) was now sliding around between my backpack and bags of laundry which I had foolishly thought would hold it in place.
Ok, it's just casing, right? No big.
I get back to murray, set it up, happy as can be, working just fine. I back little dell's hard drive up onto it's slave drive, just because I'm paranoid and don't want anything to happen to my stuff. Then I install Morrowind because I've become recently addicted to it and the HP has a better video card (sad, but true). I play it for a little while, and the game gets wierd. It keeps crashing at a certain point. So, silly me, rather than saying "ok, I guess I'll start on my homework while I wait," I decide to fix it. Must Fix Game.
2 hours later, it still sucks. Fine. I'll just play it on Dell. Now, I need to work.
I open up the big Excel document I have to make cute and snazzy looking for a Professional Writing project. It crashes. I mutter and restart. Process repeats itself for a half hour. Fed up, I go to bed and set an alarm for 2 hours before class. Maybe things will look better in the morning.
Nother ever, EVER, looks better at 6AM.
I booted up Liz's computer out of morbid curiousity. It makes a machine gun sound that is like a metal wheel being drug across the pavement at 3200RPM. Wait, that's exactly what a HD does.

In other words, it's gone. That sound was the final scream of death.
Then it dawns on me. I have little Dell backed up on that secondary drive. I have Lauren's laptop on that secondary drive. I never thought to back the HP up on that secondary drive.
Stoopid n00b.
Meanwhile, little dell definitely has a virus. Not that I can get the latest def's downloaded to fix it, but it's running like it's there. Yeah, those projects? The teachers are getting emails. We'll see what I can have done by this afternoon.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
  It's what?
April 8. wow.
so, yeah, apparently my nephew's a month old already. Time flies. Lauren had cute pictures made, which means I'll have cute pictures soon. There's supposed to be a flickr bar, but I'm still tweaking it. Still buried in school work. 1 paper per week for the next 5. I think I'll make it. As long as I start researching those big ones soon. 10-14 pages isn't too hard, right? I mean, it's shakespeare. No problem.
also, comic has an initial draft. You'll get something sometime before I die. Maybe. depends on my artists.
ugh, artists.
Summer's in Murray. Yay Murray. if you're in Murray, visit. Sorry Nashville. I miss you, a lot. Especially after 10PM, when everything here but walmart has already closed.
Yeah. I'll get online and make an actual post sometime when I have more than 10 minutes.
Oh, and Re-Elect Chris Hopper, RCA Prez. He already gave his life up for his job once.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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