Saturday, April 08, 2006
  It's what?
April 8. wow.
so, yeah, apparently my nephew's a month old already. Time flies. Lauren had cute pictures made, which means I'll have cute pictures soon. There's supposed to be a flickr bar, but I'm still tweaking it. Still buried in school work. 1 paper per week for the next 5. I think I'll make it. As long as I start researching those big ones soon. 10-14 pages isn't too hard, right? I mean, it's shakespeare. No problem.
also, comic has an initial draft. You'll get something sometime before I die. Maybe. depends on my artists.
ugh, artists.
Summer's in Murray. Yay Murray. if you're in Murray, visit. Sorry Nashville. I miss you, a lot. Especially after 10PM, when everything here but walmart has already closed.
Yeah. I'll get online and make an actual post sometime when I have more than 10 minutes.
Oh, and Re-Elect Chris Hopper, RCA Prez. He already gave his life up for his job once.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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