Dog's are smarter than we thought
Imagine my surprise when I found a story I hadn't heard yet lurking inside the pages of the Tennessean. Alright, it took some work. It was on page 3D, back in the living section, even though it's more of a science thing, it has to do with pets, so it's more of the light-fluffy miscellany category to them. Whatever.
Dogs can actually contextualize their circumstances to make decisions that go against natural instinct. This shows a higher level of consciousness than we previously thought, a kind of search for inferences and expectations among the commands given to a dog.
Pretty cool.
Oh, the story's syndicated from the Washington Post. Here's the source
link[Washington Post, login required] and here's the Tennessean's
link. The Washington Post also has a
discussion transcript. I haven't scraped up any of the scientific reports yet, just media fanfare, but if I find more I'll post it below.
Back to the internet for news.