Liveblogging the Superbowl 6
I'll be honest, the bears got the ball and I got more chips. But I saw the colts defense hold the bears down. haha. Don't like who has the ball? wait a play.
said by the announcer: "There might be a little moisture [on the ball]." Really? it's monsooning out. David Spade in the stands. from the announcers: "If their show was a hit already, they'd be in the suites." Burn.
So that's the end of the first. Not much to see here. On to the commercials. And the dip.
Best Commercial: GTA (copywrighted, not mentioned, but there. hmmm...) Coke commercial. Who says video games have to have violence? Give a little love. Besides, there's dancing hamsters. can't go wrong with dancing hamsters.
Labels: superbowl