Thursday, December 14, 2006
  Identity Crisis
Fair warning with the rant tag in the title.
In my ongoing hunt for graduate studies, I recently sought the advice of some peers and professors. The disturbingly overwhelming response has been "have you considered graphic design?"
After about the 20th time of saying "eh, not my thing," I got to thinking about it. I work at a radio station, making print ads, then go home and use photoshop to make buddy icons, animated gifs, or new desktop patterns. I read 20+ webcomics, have scripts partially written for 2, and critique flash movies.
Oh, did I mention I'm on the internet 16 hours or more each day, maintain 2 websites and am launching a third?
When did this happen?
I'm a creative writing major here. I love one or two of my short stories. Hate about 8 of them. As a tech writing minor I enjoy all the computer work I mentioned above. I've bundled myself as an all-inclusive desktop solution for small business needs, but that's probably mostly egotism.
But lets look at the checklist:
English Studies > GRE English 580 / Math 620 (no clue how that happened either).
Familiarity with Literature > The 19th Century and most poetry is mostly a blur. Give me 20th Century or Give me 12th.
Writing Skills > ok if i can proofread itt
Favorite English Studies > Medieval & Early Renaissance Lit. Obscura and Arcana, again.
Computer Skills > Adobe Creative Suite, especially Photoshop and InDesign, HTML, some JavaScript, some XML, some Flash, some Blender (3d Rendering)
Experience > 15+ published print ads / promos in 6 months while interning at WKMS's PR, regular writer WKMS Feedback and the WKMS.0rg newsletter. Some freelance writing done via various internet sites I don't have links to.
So, I've had no classes, but I keep doing graphic design stuff on my own. Am I getting better at it? Living with a graphic design major says "maybe," but I'm not still sure I buy it. Then I read stuff like this:
Did I miss something? I was under the impression that the dotcom bubble burst, and all those easy-to-get technical jobs were insurmountable without the all-powerful DEGREE. Surely I can't just teach myself to be a graphic designer, right? but I sure can't dive straight into grad school about it either. But I have that checklist down pat, and the more I look around the more I wonder. Besides that, graphic work is pretty awesome (most of the time), and writing is starting to give me a headache.
Grad School deadlines are coming up. I've got to figure something out. Tech writing or graphic design or desktop publishing or whatever.
any insight out there?
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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