Friday, December 01, 2006
At long last, the pictures of me proposing to Tiff. The video's better, but I'm not even sure how to get it right now.
Tiff was at a conference so Clover (our super-cute beagle I was babysitting) and I drove to Morehead, Kentucky to surprise her. If you're not sure where that is, it's up in Eastern KY right around here. Anyway, when I reached the charming little campus, I was told that my cute little poster was probably ineligible for the competition and she'd probably not find me there anyway....

So instead, I found this fancy little belltower to wait under and made the call to my accomplices

bell tower
Courtney and Dr. D had Tiff in the student center killing time somehow. I called, they came wandering up. It was so cute, I could hear Tiff trying to ask Dr. D why on earth she had the camera out, then she found me.

My poster got diced into a presentation, all sciency-style and so cute your computer screens would explode into little cartoon hearts and atomic formulae before frying completely.

Tiff loved it.

especially when she saw the ring box was embedded inside the biology book I was carrying.

By the time I'd gotten to one knee, Clover found the book to chew on. Somehow, neither of us noticed.


Now it was time to call everyone. Actually, we're still calling everyone. But it was really exciting then.

And that's the short version of it. Honestly, the details are a little too fuzzy for the full version. My thoughts were more like "what's going to happen, where are they, oh my gosh am I doing this right, what'd I forget, what if the ring falls out, what if clover runs off, oh no what if clover gets hit by a car when I'm trying to get out the ring and tiffany's like 'you killed my dog on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of our lives' and runs off and I'm stuck in Morehead with nothing but my truck and a messed up biology book and oh wow is that her she looks great I hope her presentation went well and I don't screw up and oh man Dr. D has the camera and oh no what am I supposed to say again and oh wow she saw me and smiled and, oh, uh, here we go..." then it's pretty much a blur til "Yes."
At last...the details we have waited for..What a romantic you are!! Dressed in a suit. I am so impressed. You could give David some pointers. Remember...he pulled the ring out of his sweaty sock after we had been playing tennis.

Congratulations to both of you!!
a sick little addendum to "Lord of the Rings"...
thought you might like this.. one sick lil addendum to LOTR...
Congratulations - I hadn't heard yet!!
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