Lost Converts (and a fun EW article)
Last week I introduced another friend to NBC's Lost. It's getting to be a regular experience, and since this individual is the type who deconstructs literature for fun, he appreciated the intricacy. After explaining some of the hair-brained theories (Island as purgatory, conspiracy, end of the world, etc), I realized just how hooked on this show I am. It's on season 3, and other than the painful hiatus (hiati?) of the off season, I'm regularly watching or thinking about watching.
Entertainment weekly had some fun tidbits on it this week:
Lost in one sentence - "Lost is a show about people with unresolved issues colliding with an island with an unresolved history."
Bible verses in lost - Genesis 13:14 Part of this verse is actually etched on Eko's stick: ''Lift up your eyes and look [from the place where you are,] north...''
Locke as peach boy: "And then, there's the Japanese myth of Momotaro, which apparently means ''Peach Boy.'' According to this myth, Peach Boy was a mighty hero who went to a magical island and teamed up with a bunch of animals to liberate the island from a bad bunch of demonic Others known as the Oni."
The article, comparing Locke to Luke Skywalker and exploring a whole new slew of theories, is worth a read.
Also, I want
this book (and the leisure to read it, but one step at a time).