Tuesday, July 18, 2006
  when anime attacks

Since my truck is in the shop, I'm hanging out with Tiff in the lab today. Too tired for articles, I did what I've taken to do to burn time, I played with photoshop.
Today's project was a little .gif of a character from an anime game I play with my roommate. His name's Lee, and he's a kid-thief. He has a rather large diamond in this shot because, well, he stole it. People in the game get the significance. Originally he had a silly little french cap, but I like this look better.
He started his life as a bunch of shapes in Paint, then I went back in and did the shadowing in photoshop. Today's big lesson: if you're drawing in paint, start from the back and work your way forward. You can't layer, so you're going to mess things up if you try and draw around shapes you've already done.
Actually, a better lesson would probably be "don't draw with MS paint."
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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