Piratey Things (lack of spoiler tags, deal with it)
Yeah, first off, I have no spoiler tags and no patience to create them, so read at your own risk.
I SAW PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST! It was good. Not great, but good. It suffers from the typical trilogy syndrome: second movie woes. As a matter of fact, there's a lot of the typical crammed in here. You have to give the writers credit for making it work, though. It's never (overtly) contrived, and they juggle the expanding list of characters well. Jack is Jack in the way only Johnny Depp can make him. Will's still as desperately heroic as ever, and his developments are giving a depth he didn't really carry in the first one. Liz (Knightly) grows quite a bit this movie, but too much on that might spoil it for you ;).
The comic relief seems a little thicker in this one than the last, but it is Disney. It's a fun movie. The villian Davy Jones is VERY well animated/costumed to the point that he blends in to the movie, rather than being a distraction ("look at that CGI...").
I'd love to say more, but eventually I'm going to blow the movie for those of you that haven't seen it yet. I'd give it an 8 / 10. Or is it a 4/5? I'm no critic, and I don't like numbers. It's a pretty darn good movie, go see it.
By the way, Pirates 3 May 07 :).