Tuesday, July 04, 2006
  Former Dell Employee on Morning Edition
Larry Schooler had an interesting interview with a former dell employee this morning on NPR's Morning Edition. He discusses the many recalls and Dells notorious "price-saving" practices (read cheaply made). I wouldn't be surprised to see their entire helpdesk restructuring he mentions just bring about more confusion. The chat-based help I used for my last problem with 'Lil Dell (my inspiron 1150) took 30 minutes to establish what I told them when I called: my powercord has a short in it. On the bright side, there was no accent or frustrating disconnections, like often happen when Dell sends me to talk to somebody in India (do they even hire Americans anymore?). But 30 minutes? Chats should speed things up, not slow them down.
Anyway, I'm ranting instead of just talking about the story. Go hear the story here (realplayer/windows media).
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