Sunday, July 16, 2006
  10 days later...
Sorry, it's been a while since the last update. Summer slipped down the drain without me noticing, and I've been rushing through articles trying to catch up on all the writing I have to do. Being broke in Murray has been an adventure, but I'll be glad when all the work I need to get done will be done, and I'll actually be able to have money to spend on something other than food.
VBS is starting up back in Nashville. I'm more frustrated about missing it than I expected. I've been backing out the last couple of years because I know grad school's coming up, along with all the other real-world stuff that keeps me tied down. But even last year I was able to make it work. Being over 2 hours away and over 20 hours of writing-time behind stinks.
In an effort to prevent this from becoming a rant-board, though, I do have some great things going on. My truck's finally getting fixed next week (goodbye money), and my graduate school search is pretty much over. Colorado State looks great to me, and Texas Tech is a good alternative. The only scary things are that it's part of the journalism/comm department (instead of English, like at MSU), and it requires a background in quantitative analysis. I guess that means my spring semester will be exciting. Maybe I'll do better than I did in math140.
Now I just have to pick a third option and I'll be in business.
I'm on Spiderman #50 in my evening reading. That sidebar's out of date, I finished those books already. My quest through the first 500 issues of Amazing Spiderman (well, 400-something then the renumbered volumes) will probably take the rest of the summer. And Future Tactics, a strange little turn-based strategy game for the gamecube has been rather amusing as well. All work and no play, right? I'm still budgeting in plenty of play.
And my job still seems like play. I really enjoy the graphic design I'm doing at work. I always knew working with images on the computer was something I was enjoyed, but having a project to put together by a deadline is just a wierd, geeky type of excitement I would have never imagined I'd get into. I'm working through the fall and spring, probably at the expense of my campus involvement and maybe my sanity, but it's totally worth it. I've already met a technical writer with an actual job and filled my resume with samples from work. Once I get more writing under my belt, I might even be able to do something with it. I'm so set on grad school right now, but I really hope whatever I do for a career I can do more than just edit people's notes and manuals.
I think being behind a keyboard might be dangerous for me today. I'm a little sleepy and tend to ramble. I'll talk to you more when I'm more coherant. That's a little glimpse into life here and now, anyway.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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