Thursday, May 04, 2006
  Rainy Day
Today was the Senior Breakfast. It's a MSU tradition that's been going on for something like 60 years. The faculty and staff, including a lot of the big names on campus, get up and don their aprons to serve all the seniors breakfast. The rest of them show up 5 minutes after it starts to eat.
I don't remember if I wrote about it or not last year, but this was my first real initiation into the RCA President Office. I didn't do anything but sit at the little SGA table and feel awkward, but I remember the outgoing SGA president getting choked up behind the mike. It was, for me, the big reminder that (1) I was stepping up to one of the few really representative positions in Student Government and (2) my time here at MSU was ticking down.
Looking back, I feel like I've aged 5 years in the last 2 semesters. There's so much I still had left to do, so much that I'm hoping Alan, the new RCA president, will get a chance to do. I feel like we've changed, and grown, but that every step taken put 3 more further up the road.
And today, as I was handing out awards to the outgoing seniors, many of which came in when I did, I realized that I'm not just seeing the horizon on my college career, I'm standing on it. I have a certificate sitting in the corner, along with the others I have nowhere to put yet. I handed the gavel over on monday, and I have closed my last meeting. My time as RCA President has come and gone.
And, like I said, I didn't do enough.
I don't know if Alan reads this blog. If he does, he might be too sidetracked by my mispelling of his name (I never can remember if it's one "l" or 2). But if you are out there reading this, don't think for a second that you've got enough time. You don't. Everything is the same mad rush that you're going through now. If you take a breath, you're in the dust, and you'll spend too long trying to catch up to ever get back to where you could be.
So I'm on the Judicial Board now. It's another branch of SGA, and I hadn't tried it yet. I know a couple of the guys on there, and may know more once the remaining chairs are filled in the fall. It's a new thing, another change of pace. You know me, I couldn't extract myself from this stuff if I tried. So, I may not be Exec, but I'm still around. And I may not be changing the face of MSU, but at least I'm still part of it.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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