Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Today's the 20th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda video game. And since the Oracle of Time and Oracle of Seasons games helped destroy my High School GPA, and the Windwaker/Ocarina of Time bundle pack definitely damaged one semester of my College, I have to celebrate a little too. Old school Zelda's down the hall tonight on one of the 5 surviving NES consoles I know of. Smash Bros and Soul Calibur 2 are, as always, available in my room.
So, here's to the best games Nintendo has ever made.

From Slashdot:
"Twenty years ago this week -- February 21, 1986 -- thousands of Japanese gamers played The Legend of Zelda for the first time, and their perspective on gaming was forever changed. Here was a huge world, a massive quest, an open-ended odyssey that demanded exploration. When we Americans first placed that golden cartridge in our Nintendo Entertainment Systems a few months later, we learned what our friends overseas had already discovered: Zelda was addictive. It was adventurous. It was ambitious. It was amazing."

Also, be sure to read the great article over at 1up for the top 20 reasons we love zelda (and 5 things we hate).
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