Saturday, January 14, 2006
Today, rather than taking the time to pack properly, I threw everything together before dashing off downtown. Mom and I went to see the Rau exibit at the TN State Museum. For mom, the chance to see these 95 european paintings was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. For me, it was almost as thrilling, but tinged with a little nostalgia. It made me miss the art museums I trudged through weekly in Europe.
Dr. Rau was a rich doctor / art collector whose collection spans across Europe's 15-20th century art. There's a little in the collection for everyone, if you can endure wading through everyone there. It seems like the entire state waited until today, the last day of the exhibit, to come see it. Between the strange BO, the rude people, and the occasional screaming children, the people were almost as interesting as the art. It amused me to watch people pass by a Monet just because there wasn't audio commentary on it. Plug them in and watch them go.
Dance, puppets. Dance!
Poor humor aside, it was a nice afternoon. I found a few new names to look for prints of, and learned a little more of my own style in the process.
Plus, I got to go downtown one last time before disappearing into the country fields of Murray for another semester.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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