I went to Wednesday Night Church for the first time in a while. Turns out they've started this new study, made by a michigan preacher named Rob Bell. The video series can be ordered from There's decent little clips there too.
Tonights lesson was a new angle for me. It was all about how, as Christians, we exist in the time between the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life (the Tree of Genesis and the one of Revelation). A lot of moral responsibility type stuff, with some great quotes I wish I could throw at you. Bell's got that fast-talking, try-to-sound-savvy approach that I generally dislike in wanna-be-Gen-X preachers, but his insight actually makes it believeable.
I'm snatching the video from Charlie in a couple of weeks, then hopefully I'll be able to give you more. Also, as a tidbit, the background really, REALLY looks like the parking lot behind the Methodist publishing house's warehouse parking lot (I think it's lot C if you work there). I'm gonna have to swing by and check, if I get really bored next time I'm in town.