"you want me to do what?"
So the MSU paper asked me to write an opinion article. I ignored the impulse to share my opinion on the paper and agreed to write something for them. After all, 500 words is nothing.
So I'm typing merrily along on an expanded version of that Shakespeare Festival quip that I posted ealier, and I just freeze up. I just can't figure out how to say what I'm wanting to say. I can barely remember what it was I wanted to say. And then I reread and realize I've said nothing.
I went into this intense re-edit of my meager 300 words, chopped them back down to 170ish, then wrote again. Stopped. Reread. Revised. I've torn it apart 4 times now. My angle's just not there.
I remember now why I opted out of the journalism major. Disdain for the corporations was only half of it. I'm a chicken when it comes to seeing my words finalized in print.