Saturday, September 10, 2005
     For the first time in 9 months I’m watching the sun rise over Murray.  Like the last time I saw it, I’m awake because Tiffany’s on her way to a biology trip. Unlike last time, I find myself unable to go back to sleep.  I’ve been watching the growing light outside with bittersweet thoughts.  It’s beautiful.  Everything’s beautiful in Murray, except my grades and the girls who shouldn’t wear tube tops but do anyway.  The sunrise brings out the little rabbit that lives outside my window.  I think the big one got eaten.  He was about the size of a basketball.  I probably would have ate him if I could have found a way to cook him without having to go through the whole killing / skinning process.  
     Wow.  I may not be able to sleep, but reading over those words again makes me wonder how awake I really am.  Tiffany came down here to get her bread around 5:30.  All the cooking supplies live in my room.  Tiff says it’s because I have the nice, long countertop to cook on.  I wonder if it’s because she got tired of cleaning all the cooking supplies out of her carpet.  Anyway, they’re all here with me, so when she got in around midnight last night and asked “where’s my bread for tomorrow?” we had a cooking blitz down here that resulted in enough ingredients spilling into the carpet that the next spilled drink might rise up into a loaf of Rye.  Twenty minutes later a dough-blob was spinning around in the bread machine, 6 inches of the advised 3-foot radius of the machine were clear, and I went back to bed.  When we fished Tiff’s loaf of bread out this morning, it was one inch thick and the consistency of a brick
     Apparently the fast-loaf recipe doesn’t work if you don’t have fast yeast.
     Live and learn.
     This is the first time in a while I’ve had a chance to sit down and write anything. I really dislike that aspect of college. I’d like to say this won’t be a pattern, but it probably will be.  I always have Saturdays.
     I’ve read 2 chapters in my Asimov book since getting back up here, and those were both done at a loss to the copy of Flowers for Algernon that I’m supposed to be reading for the Clark College Book Club (yeah, I’m that geeky).  On the other hand, I’ve trudged through the Odyssey and the Iliad, and gotten to enjoy 5 of the Canterbury Tales.  We’re diving right into Victorian and Romantic poetry in Lit to 1760, so I won’t be enjoying my reading much longer.  On the other hand, once we get out of the crazy-dead-Greeks section in Honors Humanities, we hit the Middle Ages again, and I’ve got a head start!
     The sun has now made it all the way up.  I don’t think I’m making it back to sleep.
     We have an ALS run starting in a couple of hours.  I haven’t decided if I’m running or helping hand out water.  I guess it depends on how much help they have and how coordinated I’m feeling.  By then my scant 5 hours rest may be feeling much worse.  This afternoon I’m also meeting with the Residential College Association advisor about “ways to improve my meeting.”  This whole president thing is taking a little more adjustment than I had imagined.  I’m really not organized enough for it on my own, I’m having to work on that a lot.  I miss Liz’s palm pilot :(.  
     Yesterday I had lunch with a pack of Morehead State execs (Provost, VP, Asst. Provost, etc.) who came to scope out our Residential College system.  Our Vice President of Student Affairs didn’t throw a brick at my head, so I guess I did ok.  
     I think I’m about ready to nap before the ALS Run.  I’ll talk to you again in my next free moment.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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