Sunday, September 25, 2005
I think I've been running late for a week now.
First, after a highly stressful week of classes (another failed quiz, another set of clueless looks, and another 10 terms I don't understand), I agreed to go to Nashville this weekend with Tiff. More specifically, I was going to escape into the little cabin in the woods she has at the park she works in.
Wonderful. Escape.
Somehow or another, Tristan gets to talking about how cool it would be to go off to some park somewhere and draw a bunch of nature things for his class. Filled with concern for possibly the only guy to have a week worse than my own, I invite him. Kinda without asking Tiff, but we got that cleared up.
Then we have Ian. Ian's my other Clark College buddy, and has a girl he likes down in Nashville. Ian also lives in our room, and generally goes everywhere with us.
Ian will NOT fit in the car with our stuff.
Naturally, I come up with the easy solution: "Lets leave before he notices."
As soon as we agreed on this, I opened the door to see Ian preparing to knock.
A little awkwardness later, the situation was smoothed out and I was feeling pretty guilty about leaving Ian, but pretty glad to be leaving Murray.
In Nashville we settle in, eat lots of food, watch a little anime, and generally have a nice time. I ignore most of my homework until today, and as a result have said more words quoted from Shakespeare than not. Tristan was pretty amused as Tiff and I read the fourth act of Richard III aloud on the way back.
Anyway, here I am, still 12 sonnets and 1 act behind on my Shakespeare, and Monday's coming up quick. Mondays are my worst days, with 4PM, 5PM, and 9PM meetings on top of my two worst classes. I don't think I'll sleep much, but Tuesday is only 1/2 as bad. There's one class on Tuesday, even if it is the one I'd rather see cancelled.
I think I'm just doomed to be behind until January. I can either take sanity breaks and keep part of my mind, or go crazy and watch everything fly together around me.
I think I've opted for crazy.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

My Photo
Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

I'm terrible at describing myself.

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43 Things I want to do with my life.

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