Fair Time
The Williamson County Fair flyers hit work today. A friend of mine's Uncle has been really helping to get this off the ground, so it's exciting to see how well it's coming along. I'm not a big Williamson County person. Franklin's too rich for me and Cool Springs is just too far away. But I might go to this. This year's also the TN State Fair's 100th year, so I'm hoping to go to some of those festivities. I enjoy the TN State Fair. There's just something about that many people crammed into a small space that's neat to be a part of. I'm not big into rides (especially not fair rides), but I love the food and the games. There's just something satisfying about beating a rigged game. Until you realize you were going to buy your dinner on the money you just spent on it.
The State Fair's always been a sign that summer's almost over, and sure enough, my internship's winding down. I have an informal review of it on Monday. I'm not sure what I'm going to say yet, but I think I'm going to devote a little time tomorrow to figuring it out. I discovered a while back that I'm always better at speaking my mind if I write it out first, so you'll probably get to hear all about it (if not before, than after).
That's about all there is today. I'm preparing a special 100th post for tomorrow. I hope you enjoy :).