Which Naruto Character am I?
I took this Naruto quiz out of curiousity. #1 was...

You are Inuduka Kiba
Ya'll gather round, and listen up! You can't beat me! AHAHAHAH!
I got the super senses and my buddy Akamaru is my TOTALLY COOOOL DOG!
I CAN BEAT YOU IN ANYTHING!! .....stop calling me a loudmouth!! Woof!
Which NARUTO Character Are You?This test created by Cadet
and #2...

You are Uzumaki Naruto
You're a funny kid who strives to be the best!..even though you're the worst.
Psh, like that ever got you down. Lets go spit on some important ancient statues,
Sensei coming! Run!
Which NARUTO Character Are You?This test created by Cadet
and, I'm not telling you 3-5.
Because it was the female cast.
You'd think in a 20 question test they'd ask you that...
Past that it was Iruka, Rock Lee (?!), Kakashi, Gai, and Sasuke.
The guy
I think I'm the most like isn't even on this quiz.