Friday, July 01, 2005
Today, all day long, I've had snippets of dialogue that's just been
trying to claw it's way out. High tension stuff, quippy little
one-liners, sweet things for those really hard-to-verbalize feelings.
All of it mixed in like someone decided to open my book randomly and
read whatever first caught thier eye. Of course, like I listed
earlier, I'm supposed to be doing writing of a very different kind
right now, so the conversations are left to repeat themselves a couple
of times through or be forgotten. Most suffered the latter fate by
the time I got to somewhere I could jot them all down.
I think it's the NPR. There's something about instrumental music
that's always evoked emotions in me like little else can. Today those emotions, left stored inside, decided to apply themselves to the scenes that have been stored away For Future Reference and give them a jump-start.

In other news, I had to turn off the little visualization window
attached to my windows media player because I find myself mezmorized
by it for extraordinary lengths of time, which wouldn't be bad except I'm supposed to be working. One minute I'm pondering a way to make 4 pages fit onto 1 without losing any of the information, another I'm lost in the pretty pattterns. It's hard to believe all those patterns are mathmatic formuli programmed to react to changes in
pitch and volume.
Then again, I have trouble attributing anything to math.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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