Tuesday, July 26, 2005
  Site update
First off, here's a cool little bit off slashdot.com:
Nasa's posted eerie sounds from saturn recently recorded by cassini. They are apparently created by a phenomenon similar to Earth's Northern lights.

Now on to more personal ramblings.
It looks like all my typing may be paying off. My typing speed has gone from an average of 60wpm at the beginning of the summer to (roughly) 75wpm. Back in high school typing classes I got up to 100, but I'm beginning to think those may have been rigged. Maybe it was just easier words. The fastest I reached on a single test this summer was 88. I've been taking one about every week or two, though, just to see. I'm running out of original tests though.
I can't post a dynamic list of my 43 things, but I think I may just post a plain-text list on the sidebar. Whenever I comment on my goals it should post here, but that hasn't worked for me yet.
By the way, there might be a second sidebar or a hozional toolbar on the way. Haven't decided yet. It's starting to look crowded over there.--->
What does everyone (Tiff, my dog, my mom, whoever still reads this) think of the new layout? I'm still trying to make up my mind on it. I feel like I finally have space for some of the things I've wanted to share, but I'm also noticing that it's getting busier quickly. The Manga/comic look is fun, and I think I might play it up a little more, but the graphics can be cumbersome. I'd like to make my headers less tall, and I'm sure firefox users have noticed that my sidebar overlaps rather than playing nice. In my defense, blogger's base code did that.
There's currently 2 javascript functions on my site, niether of which are essential to viewing it. The first randomizes my header graphic because I like seeing something new occasionally. The second runs my chatterbox, which is just a chatterbox, you won't really miss anything by it not being there. So, for those of you with Javascript phobias, don't worry, you're not missing much.
Oh yeah, and Kakashi, the guy on the bottom of the sidebar, is a .bmp. I'll fix that tonight.
So, there's my self-induced website lesson for the week. Keep coming back, I'll probably keep playing with it over the next few days. Maybe my content will improve too.
Wow, Nasa recorded the soundtrack to "Forbidden Planet" as it echo'd off Saturn's rings. Cool.
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