Friday, July 29, 2005
  Looking toward the fall semester
For no apparent reason I've had a 3 week old conversation running through my head all day today. Tara (her blog's over there on the sidebar) mentioned how after Star Wars: Episode III she went back to watch 4-6. Vader's walk seemed more arrogant, his motions more tense, and his character more human. Opening weekend I was in Murray (and no, I did not see it opening night, breaking my streak after 1-2) and several friends were also huddled around their TV, rewatching all 3 of the "later" movies. I haven't seen them since I saw Episode III, but I'm hoping to get to, just to see if this trick-of-the-mind affects me.

So I'm going to the last Summer O this weekend. I've enjoyed them, as I've probably made rather apparent here. We have a lot of promise for this fall, and I'll be happy if even the smallest bits of it come to fruitation.
I have a lot to do this fall, too. I have to watch my pride. I tend to live by the motto "If you want it done right, do it yourself," and I know I'm not the best person for many of the jobs that need done. The RCA sxec's good, though, and there's quite a few members with long-time experience in there with me. As long as I trust them, I should be fine.
Or at least not mess things up too badly.
I hope this fall with give me oppurtunity to keep working on my story as well. There's a lot I still want to do with it, I just have to be sure to devote time to it.
bah. There's never enough of it, is there?
Well, at least I know I'm squeezing out every minute of it I'm getting.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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