Wednesday, July 27, 2005
  Happy Anniversary!
Yesterday Tiff and I celebrated the 5 year mark that our relationship actually reached last week while we were sick. Dinner at Caesar's was great as always. We celebrated our first anniversary there, and just like then I brought her roses from Emma's. Tiff had the stuffed shells and I had Veal Parmiago (forgive my spelling). Our waitress was a ball of energy in black-rimmed librarian glasses. She kept the glasses full and conversation going, hopefully not to the point of getting on Tiff's nerves.
Tiff and I were total geeks. We spent most of the evening discussing why the "literary" world overlooks the merits of children's fiction. I held my ground, stating that the Newberry's and all the other gobs of awards granted every year to such authors was merit enough. Tiff wants more of a focus on them in College. She sees certain pieces as better developed than most of the books we rave over in lit. classes at Murray. With some of them (Beloved) she may have a point. I think she has in mind to discuss it with certain faculty in the fall. Considering we have a children's author or two in residence at Murray, not to mention a couple of others with a good appreciation, I don't think it'll be too difficult to get a special topics class together. Or at least give Tiff an independant study (which she, no doubt, won't be able to fit into her schedule).
Uncle Al told granddad once that my interpretation of the rules of the English language was somewhat liberal. I think there's a good bit of proof of that this morning.
After dinner we went to Baskin Robbins. It was quiet and empty until I was halfway through my honey-and-chocolate sunday, when a pack of Hillwood students flooded the building. I didn't shout at them to go to Green Hills and leave my tiny, quiet place alone, but my immediate glare made one of them jump. I'm turning into a kermudgin early. They weren't that bad once the girls got done sampling every ice cream flavor. Tiff and I were able to converse again once they retreated to the other corner of the small room.
So it was a good evening. It's been 5 great years, which is still so hard to believe. Of course, it's equally heard to look at my upcoming graduation and a future which becomes more concrete with every day.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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