Thursday, July 14, 2005
Lately I've just been sucked into the conservative vs liberal war going on across On MSUR I eventually just quit going to the politics forum because I spent so much time there that I never got around to anywhere else. That, and some of my views killed otherwise peaceful relations.
This is turning about the same. I'm trying to keep quiet (Don't feed the trolls), but sometimes it's difficult.
Still, it's interesting to see both sides go at it. I'll try and keep a safe distance.
VBS is still running my life. I put on the clown suit (yes...nose and paint and all) for the first time yesterday. It's amazing how much more kids like you once you act like an idiot. Still, I'm afraid I'm going to scar one for life ("can't sleep, clown will get me").
Maybe seeing IT at age 6 has something to do with that.
Not much else new. I'll try and create some quality posts this weekend. I'll be at Murray State's Summer O pitching the SGA, so I should have plenty of time between sessions to type a little bit.

By the way, Sarah Water's Affinity is a great read. I'll give you a full review when I finish.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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