NPT Dreams
Last night brought another bizarre dream. This time the sources were pretty obvious, but that doesn't make it any weirder that I was dreaming about them. In fact, it might make it more weird. These bad-action-movie dreams sometimes give decent setups for good stories, but often they just leave me scratching my head and blaming television.
In this one, Tiff and I had gone to visit her old roommate Jami who now owns a giant oil company in her home country of Azerbaijan (That part’s almost true; she's helping build the world's largest oil platform out there now). For whatever dumb reason, Tiff and I decided to go be tourists. By this point my brain was plugging in all of the stereotypes of Muslim culture you can imagine. Somehow we ended up in what I suspect was Iran, but looked more like Istanbul from the Indiana Jones movies. Anyway, where ever I was, they accused of blowing up a mosque. I'd heard the blast, but was nowhere nearby at the time. Of course, no one else was going to vouch for me on that one. Tiff and I had gotten separated and I was looking for her when the bomb went off. When I found her, she explained that she had seen the woman who did it (fully veiled, making recognition difficult), and a great pursuit ensued. For whatever reason, the American Embassy was never involved. I ended up in an Iranian prison, which was rather unpleasant, but breaking out was exciting.
I don't know how it ended because Lauren's cell phone ringing woke me up for the third time that night. I went back to sleep, and as best I can tell, quit dreaming weird dreams. This is why NPT Mysteries shouldn't be watched before bed.
In other news, I'm NOT still reading that book on the sidebar. I just haven't updated my template in ages. I'm actually reading CS Friedman's This Alien Shore right now. It's good, lightweight stuff. Good thing, too, since Pilgrim's Progress is next on my list. That reminds me, (via poetry, Christian stuff, and so forth) the sermon will be up tonight.