Thursday, June 02, 2005
  A Note from Work
I realize it's been a while, but I'm going to go ahead and blog right
now while I have a few minutes of down time. My internship is
absolutely phenomenal. I'm learning how little I know about some
things (how dare they not even mention Visio to us!) and how a lot of
the things I do know can be applied. I used to consider myself a bit
of a computer geek, but since I've come here I realize I have a lot to
learn. Lucky for me documentation isn't about creating the process,
just about understanding it. They make that pretty straightforward
Outside of work things have been picking up as well. Tuesday I went
to rapier practice with the Glaedenfeld Shire and
got a harsh reminder of how much I've forgotten. Drills jog the
memory, though, and now my swordsmanship is at least on the road to
improving again.
I'd love to buy one, but that's a luxury I don't intend to allow
myself any time soon. I want to force myself into working comfortably
with the online writing groups Casteele found for me. He supports
himself fully on freelancing, bringing in around $700 / month (he
lives a rather Spartan lifestyle). I figure just writing from time to
time for different places could bring in at least a trickle on my own
In other news, I'm starting driving lessons. Guaranteed driver in 2
weeks. Finally.
That's it for now, I have to get back to work.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

I'm terrible at describing myself.

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