It's the type of thing that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy..., not moldy dorm room pizza (though that does too).
Ken Swain posted this discription of my happy little hometown:
am not a big fan of country music so I did not think there was going to be much culture here I could enjoy. This was an area I was very wrong about. It seems this is the “New South.” There is art museums, science centers, and a lot of good rock, blues and country music. That is not even mentioning the sports! From NHL hockey, NFL football, Arena football, and even minor league baseball. There is just a lot to do. Nashville is one of those town that have a lot to offer. They have the facilities of the a big city and the charm of a medium sized town.
The full description is on his site, linked above. Once again, I discovered it through (NiT, but I'm not comfy enough for abbreviations yet).
I'm gonna miss Nashville come fall. Sure, Murray State's only 2 hours away, but it's really hard to fight the urge for a 12AM waffle house run or a 10PM Bobbie's shake. Not to mention having free symphony concerts, swing dances, art shows, and live music in just about every corner. Yeah, I'm gonna miss this town.
In more personal news, the on-going car search continues. I'm shooting for something around $2k with decent mileage that won't peel apart like a tin can if I wreck it. I went and poked around a '94 Taurus yesterday that was in good shape, only 47k miles on it, and today I'm calling on... wait. I left my numbers at home. I'm not calling on anything today. So tomorrow I'm calling on a couple of Saturns and some other vehicles.
I've got to start getting up earlier in the morning.