Thursday, June 23, 2005
  Frank Zappa and Bjork tripping over a computer, a nintendo, a xylophone, and a dot-matrix printer in slow motion
First, Danke Reike fuer siene E-mail. Es war sehr nett.
I heard a neat new musician yesterday on NPR. He's actually more of a businessman. He made the soundtracks for several of the VW commercials, along with many others. His music is sort of a transcendant, mellow techno, which sounds impossible. Maybe it's more like Frank Zappa and Bjork tripping over a computer, a nintendo, a xylophone, and a dot-matrix printer in slow motion. Yeah, that's a little more like it. Anyway, it's interesting, especially since the guy has absolutely no musical training whatsoever. J. Ralph is just a guy who couldn't cut a music deal, so he turned his stuff into commercials instead. Now he's self-published his CD with the profits from the commercials. Way to beat the system.
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