Tuesday, June 14, 2005
well, I'm discovering more and more that this may not be exactly what I want to do. Not that this is bad, as a whole it's actually pretty good, but it's taxing. My eyes are getting serious strain from looking at computer screens 8 hours / day, and being in a cubicle the whole time is somewhat frustrating as well.
The actual work's ok, and I'm hesitant to say it since I know how google-able I am, but it seems like there's not really enough of it.
I sit here with a document, wrestle out a draft or two, then wait for a good time for my boss to be able to revise it. While I wait I revise it (repeatedly, sometimes), re-read all my sources (over and over again), then wait some more. Occassionally I even do worthless things like blogging ;).
All-in-all it's not a bad thing. I mean, I'm getting paid to write a little and take minutes, but I think I'm missing out on something. Sure, I'm doing technical writing, but when a team hires a technical writer for a project, is this really what the do with him, or is this just what they do with the intern they're not sure what to do with?
Also, in their defense, I've had my hands tied at least once a week by technical problems. The technical problem's pretty straightforward: my laptop's a piece of junk and they don't have another one I can use.
So whenever something else goes wrong on it the help desk ends up scratching their heads, performing a ritual, then giving me a pat on the back and a rabbit's foot.
Besides the whole interning thing summer is moving out of the glad-to-be-back phase and into the "eh" one. It's fun to run around with friends from time to time, but most of the ones who stayed in Nashville are still of the mentality they were 5 years ago. That or we've grown up and in different directions.
Sometimes it's difficult not to just say "good riddance."
I already have to a few.
I'm worried about my cat. He was lying under the car last night and we backed over him. We're not sure what we squashed, but he was in good enough shape to take off up the road and hide. We called for him for a while last night and rode around looking for him, but had no luck. Maybe Mom's found him today.
I began converting bits of my blog into a more narrative form. So far I got all the way up to the plane landing. Dialogue vanishes quickly, so I'm taking liberties based on my memory. It's an interesting endeavor. If I deem it worthy, I'll post it here. Eventually I'm going to put it into a print form of the blog (you know, nostalgia and all that).
Anyway, that's my rant for the day. Lunch break ended so I'm going back to work now.
Who'd of thought I'd ever complain about a plush job?
I think I just miss the manual labor. It was so much easier just going all day on autopilot.
Oh well. Live and learn. Some.
Crazyness! Well if it's not what you wanna do atleast you will know that. Hope you weren't referin to me in that old friends comment, I'm not that easy to get rid of... ;) ! haha. Anyways, sorry I've been so snippy when you've called... I'll touch base with ya when I get back from NC. Have a good weekend!!
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