So I started my internship at Vandy on Monday, and found out I'm to make weekly reports on my every action for the supervisor. I figure ya'll might get a kick out of it as well, so...
Monday – Met IM Staff, reviewed RFI and Project Overview Draft. Sat
in on afternoon conference.
Tuesday – Continued review of RFI. Sat in on Laura / Fonda issues
conference. Added Fonda issues to Team Issue log. Uploaded updated
Weds – Continued work on Issue Log. Attended Staff Scheduling Project
Meeting and created Project Meeting Notes. Revised meeting notes and
published on team website. Began developing Vacation Time Scheduler
in Visio.
Thurs – Continued Visio Calendar, Integrated Project Meeting Notes
into Issues. Attended HIMMS luncheon. Created Vandyworks Timeline.
Not a bad first week. Tomorrow I fly solo. My Team Leader (and apparent mentor) is out of town, so I get to figure things out on my own. It'd be a lot easier if I could have a network login, but that's floating around the mists of HR for who knows how long.
What's not in that lovely little blurb is the fact that "Created Vandyworks Timeline" took like 4 tries. Everything I fixed screwed up something else. Finally my bosslady was just like "do this. Just this. There. Like that. good."
By then it was 4. My brain turns to jello at this job after about 3. Too much thinking all day long, exact inverse of the warehouse. Not as exciting as MR. Although my Medical Records background keeps coming in handy. An MA in Health Info Management might not be such a bad thing. Or maybe this leadership stuff. I don't really want to restrict myself, and it hurts to pull away from Lit. I'd still like to teach, and lit is the route to that, but I'm not sure it's the only one. And whenever I think about the essays I've enjoyed I realize it's the
search that I enjoy as much as the knowledge. I'm not sure that's leadership, but it's definitely organizing a process, creating steps and managing the workflow.
God. I don't want to be white collar, do I? What about that scruffy English Teacher?
Maybe I can do both.