Monday, May 16, 2005
  The Adventures of Nomad, who eventually finds an unexpected home
A little while after posting yesterday I decided to poke my nose outside because it looked really pretty out and I'd been in the SGA office for far too long. So I left my stuff and headed out for a little romp up the campus and back down again. I saw no one, but wasn't really surprised by that. I came back to the Curris Center, satisfied and ready to kill a little more time before church and then SCA, but found the door locked.
Visions of the mess I'd left around the office flashed through my mind.
Then I remembered the open window.
Lucky for me, I found the man with the keys first, and after waving frantically and panomiming a few things, he let me in. So then I got to sit around with my stuff, waiting for a ride, feeling very homeless. But at least I had my stuff back. A short story I read this morning said "A man with a little property can be infinitely more territorial than a king over all his lands." That was me. I would've slept with my backpack under my head had I not been on an airmattress.
Today I have made the RCA area spotless, and significantly more organized. My desk is starting to feel a bit more like my desk, even though it's something of a community thing. The folders are organized, the cabinets are getting there, the phone's plugged in, the tables are cleared off, and even the basketball hoop is standing up a little straighter. Emily Just kept me company today, along with brief visits from Jeannie and Meaghan (whose name I never can spell, that may be right). Casteele did too, of course, and I visited Dr. E today to pick up my paper. Scored another A! If only I could do that well in the class as a whole. I fear another "C" is on the way. If so, it'll be all alone, though. I've had a very A-B semester. But a C will bump me off the Dean's List, I think.
which reminds me, I forgot to put Deans List on my resume. Oh well.
Had a nice little chat with Dr. E this afternoon. Talked about everything from the Pope to the Apostle Mark, with a little SGA and a lot of academics thrown in. I'm looking forward to this fall.
I need to change my "what I'm reading" bar, but what I'm reading is changing so quickly it doesn't really matter. I read a sci-fi collection this morning, I'm reading about 4 books on writing currently (dialogue, scene, plot, and character), and I'll probably start something else on Friday. Of course, with work starting Monday my free time is about to be seriously cut into.
Haircut. That's what I forgot. D'oh.
Vandy's gonna think I'm a hippie.
Little do they know I'm just lazy.
Maybe I'd better let them think I'm a hippy. That might be better.
I realize I'm rambling. I'm somewhere between tired and excited. There are a lot of things opening up that I didn't think would. Casteele's shown me quite a few writing oppurtunities which I may follow up on this summer or fall. If I decide to get a cell phone, as I've been encouraged to by the SGA, Los, and everyone else on campus, writing a few of those articles per month would easily cover the fees. Of course, without any source of income this fall (SGA pays in scholarships, not checks) I may have to write just to eat.
Declining balance will only get me so far, and summer $$ should go to a car and toward savings (which are just pathetic right now).
I hate having to deal with money.
Emily left the TV on CMT. I think the music is adversely affecting my brain. I seriously want to go turn it off before it makes me depressed. As it is, it's just annoying.
Our conference starts tomorrow at 7AM. I haven't been to bed before 1 since before friday. I think I might should try to tonight. On the bright side, we have 5 hours to get to Cumberland Falls. Where is cumberland falls? I haven't got a clue. Somewhere in Kentucky, east of Murray. Probably Northeast.
I could google it, but I'm too lazy for that too.
I just figured out why I'm so tired. I have had no caffiene today. I've drank a bunch of water (around 60 ounces) and had a caffiene-free rootbeer with lunch. Wow. ok. That explains a lot.
That reminds me, too. Coffee Pot for SGA office is a must. I don't believe there's not one! This will soon be remedied. Since Tristan doesn't like the stuff and I'll probably be coming here before my T/Th classes, I may just move the coffee pot into here. MWF I should be awake enough, and I may come in here before then just to get a little coffee. I doubt it, but anything's possible.
I meant to bring LJ's book with me to the office today. I was gonna read it. It's probably better that I didn't, though, because I've been reading helpful stuff instead. I'm in the mood to write, though, so I'm going to do that now.
By the way, thanks again to all of you who read this loyally. It amazes me sometimes who is out there following my little bit-by-bit portrait of life. I don't consider this anything spectacular, but it flatters me to hear from those of you who enjoy reading it.
One other thing I've started on the SGA whiteboard is a Weekly piece of food for thought. I'll try and give them to you, too. Here's this week's:

"Motivation is everything. You can d o the work of two people, but you cannot be two people. Instead you have to inspire the next guy, and he will inspire his people." -Lee Iacocca
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