Most of what I'd like to tell you about today has to be censored out. Not for explicit lyrics or content or anything exciting like that, just because it's RCA and SGA business. Business that, even if you are an MSU student, isn't yours. Yet.
I'm watching Dragonball GT, probably the best episode of it I've seen yet. It's made of 10% original footage, as usual. But the clips are good. Vegeta, the best character, is flashing back over all his failures and defeats. It's refreshing in a week that's been full of too many meetings.
Just. Wow.
I feel like Peter Parker the day he discovered his powers.
Actually, I feel like Pete after that first day of trying out his new powers. Happy, but exhausted.
I'm sure every RCA Prez has spent their time dreaming of things they can do much like I am now. I'm afraid to think of how few of their dreams have come true. Tonight Jess said she's taken baby steps, just like Kyser and Josh did before her. Some of those steps I can see, others I can't. They're all pretty heavy on my mind tonight, though.
We've got a long road ahead.