Saturday, April 30, 2005
The ball's just not rolling. I've read through two of my print sources, 4 journals, and a couple of websites, but I'm just not getting anywhere with my Stephen Crane paper right now. Yes, he writes hyper-realism. What is hyper-realism? Complicated. I still don't have a good definition yet, which is part of what's making my paper ("hyper-realism in Crane's 'Open Boat'") so difficult. In art it is the creation of an image more detailed than it would be in reality. This tricks the viewer into believing they are viewing a photo (in more modern examples) until they realize that no photo looks that way. In literature it's the same type of over exposure to truth, but whereas a picture develops color and depth, a story develops symbols and meaning.
Catharsis, really.
But that's the goal of all literature. Mostly. But Realists weren't exactly symbol people. They thought reality spoke for itself.
ugh, my head hurts.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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