Saturday, March 05, 2005
  Visiting Dreams
so I'm lying in my room, playing on the 'cube with Los, when the phone rings. It's my first girlfriend, asking if she and her significant other can crash at my place. They had car trouble and are stuck in Murray.
This was the start to last nights dream. Buckle up.
They get here and, being a dream, she looks just like she did in high school. Maybe even a little better. My waking brain knows she's gotten married to someone other than the guy in my dream and that she's heavier besides, but in the dream I hadn't found any of that out and she obviously wasn't married.
The guy looks like my least favorite of Tiffany's old guy friends.
She walks in, looks around my rapidly-cleaned room, and plops down on Los's bed (which we use as a couch). The guy's a total hip-attachment the entire time.
I try a few "so, can I ummm..." host-type things before finally resigning to the fact that a)she doesn't want me speaking to her and b)the guy's a prick.
Awkwardness is masked by the campus movie channel for a little while, then I go up to Tiff's room to check on something. Tiff's out of town and I have the keys. I come back down and hear them yelling in my room. Some of the things he says about her make me absolutely furious, and I have to use all my self control not to charge in there and deck him. I pause in the hall to try and figure out where to go, or just to stay out of the way. He comes rushing out of the room with his backpack and jacket, slams by me with that shoulder-brush thing guys do while posturing, and storms outside. I rush in and put my arms around my ex-girlfriend in an attempt to comfort her. She cries on my shoulder and I feel like a hero. Then she looks up at me and tells me "it's ok, everyone fights. I cried much more than this when I was dating you."
I want to say it's not ok, and that I was an idiot and a jerk when I dated her, but I don't get the chance. Boyfriend comes back. He looks at her, glares at me, then looks back. In a blur of auburn hair in my face she's rocketing toward him again, latched on.
My god, I think, is this how my fights with Tiffany make her?
I sit there pondering the female psyche and all it's complexities while they make up and make out. Once I'm getting ill from it again I offer to show them where they'll be staying for the night. I've got a friend somewhere that has a futon.
She says thanks and they leave. I call up there a few minutes later to make sure everythings ok.
"Sure thing." she says. "everything's ok." I hear him mutter something and her let out a surprised "oooohh." I hang up.
The next morning comes and Los and I are spending time like we always do: on the gamecube. My ex- and her guy come downstairs to say thanks and he sees we're playing F-Zero. He loves it.
Two hours later we're all still playing. I'm sitting up on my bed with the wireless controller and as I look down I see the gold hair-clip that she wore to so many different things we went on.
We talk while we play. She mentions that she's known him her whole life, and my jealousy flares up once more. Is this the guy she always used to talk about while we were dating? It fades quickly, though. She seems happy, and he's not the villain I want him to be. No distress signals coming from her. I play without really playing and wish Tiffany would come home soon.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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