Saturday, March 05, 2005
I've been thinking of bringing the mood icons and such back here. Yes, I know Livejournal and other sites include them right on the page, but if I can't write one little line of code by now than what business do I have doing any web publishing. Anyway, I don't know if I will yet or not. My mood's typically pretty apparent by the post.
This will be the earliest I've gone to sleep in 72 hours.
Tiff's outta town, so there's been more socializing in the evenings. That's about the only time I have free, since the Library Committee's overwhelming my school work. I'm letting it, honestly. I'm more interested in helping the library than going to class. I can't let that keep me from class though, because I'm also interested in scholarships and graduating.
You know, I tend to get irritated about people not posting often. I've been terrible this semester. Sorry about that. I'll try and do better. Maybe I'll post my assignments. "Comparative Study of Gender Roles in the Emancepated Slave Narrative" just doesn't sound like the kind of thing to post here, though. Not to mention, without my spell checker ya'll would probably be left in tears by the time I finished.
For a little braindead fun, X-men fans should check out Newground's X-Men Dark Phoenix Rising. It's great. Especially since I'm still playing through X-Men Legends and can relate.
My library committee site will be up monday, and I'll link you to it sometime next week. They own my soul till spring break, and I've got a lot of work to do between now and then, so I'm not sure how frequent I'll be posting. That story from last time fizzled out. I might try to revive it another time. Until then, it's in the Dead Letters pile.
Bartleby'll sort it out.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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