Monday, February 07, 2005
It's official. I'm the Clark College Vice Prez. That fills the resume out further, and adds on a new load of activies to my list. Am I covering my enthusiasm well? This gets me a lot more involved in Clark, which in turn gets me a lot more involved on campus. I'm hoping that between this and the SGA webmaster job I'll be able to get back in touch with things. It's amazing how many new faces came in last fall, and how many old ones are gone. I'm rapidly finding my peers in more and more leadership positions. It's nice.
An old man on Inuyasha just said "Cats are vengeful creatures and will curse you for generations." Sounds about right.
Ugh, my mind keeps wandering to my writing. Usually it's during class, which isn't good. I've devoted a couple of sets of margins to little tidbits, just because I can't stand to hold it all in forever. I haven't had time to write in the room, but maybe I will someday. In the meantime, it brews.
Our "Tales of the Sea" book, Ship of the Line, ended in a cliffhanger that none of us will be able to find time to read. We're starting back on Conrad again, while other classes are pulling in other things. I'm not sure what my Southern Fiction assignment is for this week, but I imagine there's a lot of it. I'm still reeling from all the Poe last week.
Our room's still the social hub, too. It's fun, in moderation. I'm trying to teach my friends to sleep at night. It's just not working.
Sleep, what the hell is that? We're in college and sleep is for the weak.

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