Wednesday, February 09, 2005
  Shades of Grey
Today's been a grey day. Yes, a grey day. I like the british spelling better. No real reason, I guess. According to Tiff it looks nicer on paper than our American word. I don't know if I buy that, but I still spell it with an "e."
So it's been a grey day. Not quite cold enough for anything to freeze, but not warm enough for rain. The air just hangs suspended from the sky, dancing drops of moisture reaching up into the atmosphere. Color seems a little dimmer, and I can't help but think about a Manga when I look at it. Maybe I'm thinking of Megatokyo again. Seeing the world through shades of grey. Maybe it's the character of Bartelby, who I've been reading in just about every class. He's so, strange. I'm not sure grey is the right word for him, but it seems right to me. He's not hostile, persay. He'd just rather not be. No motivation, no good or bad, just Bartleby.
We watched a Bartleby movie in class today. It had the Sundance logo in the corner, but I don't know what year it was from. Good clip, though.
"Life isn't good or bad, it's both; it's a dichotomy."
Thanks Tara. She said that in her blog yesterday. Sorry, I don't have a link. She's a good friend, and more insightful than I tend to give her credit for. Another person to miss on chilly days.
I'm going to hear it tomorrow. The SGA site still isn't all the way up to date (how do I convert to .pdf again?) and the minutes are supposed to be up for everybody to see. The schedule and roster are updated though, so that's something. Tomorrow I boldly go back to more Conrad and then have a German test I haven't studied enough for.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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