The Phantom and Poe
Southern Fiction's got me a little busier than I'd thought it would. It's a 500 level class, which means mostly graduate students, so I guess it's to be expected, but still the load's a little scary. This week's assignments seemed like the complete works of Poe, but it was probably only about half of them. Poems like "Sonnet to Science," "The Raven," and "The City in the Sea" went along with stories like "The Facts in the Case of M. Vlademir" and essays like "Philosophy of Furniture." Obscure and common alike, it was a regular Poe-reader, and a real cross section of his writing. I'm not sure how I feel about it all. Like all good authors, Poe evokes a lot of different emotions when I read him. Usually it's whatever emotion he's steering me to.
Anyway, as if that weren't exciting enough, I just got back from the Phantom of the Opera movie. It was good. Not great, but good. Not a substitute for the actual stage show, but the singing's decent and the imagery is great. I enjoyed it anyway.
I'm probably still overextended. The SGA job isn't gonna be as time consuming as I thought, and it looks like fun anyway. I think I can manage it, there just won't be much nintendo involved this semester.
How sad. :(
Tomorrow's committees and such, so I've gotta sleep. I'm looking at almost 6 hours sleep now, not good.