Myranda got a copy of Nausicaa today, and we're all piled in the room watching it now. Disney apparently released a butchered version years ago which Myranda saw, and this is thousands of times better. For me, it's just more proof that Miyazaki knows what he's doing. Even if the plots startlingly similar to his other stories, the visual effect is great. Patrick Stewart and Uma Thurman do some of the voices, which is interesting. He does a really good job of world-building, too. The story pulls you in pretty quickly.
And it has a flying derringer, which is just mesmorizing.
I'm still not writing enough. Such are the hazards of the rest of my major, I suppose. I talked to Dale Ray, one of our Creative Writing Professors and an author-in-residence, and it just about drove me to go sign up for class right then. I told myself I'd use this time off, almost a year now, to develop some writing of my own, but save for this blog I haven't gotten a thing done. Ideas, sure. Results, not yet.
I think I'm gonna go work on changing that.