So, like I mentioned in the previous post, I'm tentatively collaborating on a webcomic this summer. VERY tentatively, still. I'm working with a couple of artist-friends of mine and developing scripting. You won't get to see any of it for a long while, but it is developing, so you'll probably get to hear the occasional rants.
Today's New Word: Tooncast
Tooncast this comic on your own website by copying and pasting this code snippet:
I didn't know this was possible. Also, as a hopeful webcomic writer (more on that later), I don't understand why I want to "tooncast" my stuff on to someone elses site. I mean, banners work for advertising, and maybe even snippits, but why do you want people reading your daily updates on someone elses site?
On the other hand, visibility is visibility. So here's a bit off Nocturnal essence. After you're baffled by this page, go read the rest of the comic
here and then it'll make a little sense.
Guess it's not such a bad method of advertising after all. Maybe a whole webcomic-syndication site is in order, so I don't spend
quite so long going through these things daily.
Edit: The Javascript isn't allowed by blogger. Just go to the site, if its your thing.
What a lame post.
Lil Dell's a lil sick... again.
The part the plug goes in on the back of my laptop shorted out last friday. It's toast, and currently on the way back to dell to get replaced. My warrenty runs out in six months, so I guess it's better that it did it now than in November.
I got an $80 hard drive at compUSA that'll end up being $10 when my rebates all come back home to me, and an enclosure for little dell's hard drive. I'm using an old HP desktop as backup, so hopefully tomorrow I'll get rolling on all the homework I brought home for spring break.
I hear some people actually go off for spring break. Me? I take apart my computer and build websites for people.
It's really terrifying to think there's only about 8 weeks left of class. I've got to get to work.
LD would pick now to short out.
Cute Baby Alert!

Quinton Xavier Lee, my awesome new nephew, was born today at 10:03AM. He's 5lbs somethin-odd ounces and I don't remember his height.
I really should have written more of that down.
But it'll change anyway.
Yay for QXL!
More, clearer pictures coming soon.
OVC Champs
Who won the OVC Championship? That's right.
Go Racers!
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.
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