Friday, December 30, 2005
  I knew it
Your results:
You are Spider-Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
  weighing in at 4 feet long and over 100 pounds...
Click the picture to find out about today's wierd animal of the day:
click my big, wierd nose
actually got the intrest in it from helping Tiff study and reading Tim's Journal.
Scary ugly!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
  Europe Pics!
ALL my pics from Europe are finally going online. Yes, all the crappy, random, and blurry ones are there too. But for everyone who's been wanting to see everything I saw, now you can do so whenever you like.
check it out.
I should be done uploaded late sunday night. No, I don't know PHP. I'm using a program called JetPhoto to do everything. Handy program.
Friday, December 09, 2005
  Christmas Cleaning
you probably noticed that all my graphics died. I'm a bad blogger: I didn't. Turns out the directory to my webspace has been changed. But what a good reason to change. My friend, whom I split webspace with, got us a free upgrade. We now have 30 gigs. What are we going to do with it? I'm sure we'll think of something :).
Actually, first on my list is more europe pics. Then there will probably be another redesign here. No sense in getting out of practice. My online portfolio needs a facelift. I'm too selfconscious whenever people load the "spiffy-but-pointless template" (to quote my professor).
Yeah, so classes are about out. I'm a 3.0 student for life. Beats being most of my friends (you know who you are). But, yeah, not so hot for that whole gradschool thing.
Next semester's almost all Graduate level classes. How smart am I? I should survive. Forms of Fiction is supposed to be fun. Edminster's Early English Literature class might hurt, but at least it's something I enjoy. Advanced Tech Writing (also Edminster) is just more of the same. I swear, I'm starting to see instructions in my sleep.
And then there's Honor's Science. 200-level. Science for the non-sciency. I should be fine.
Yeah, only 12 hours. If I make a B in art appreciation, I might feel too dumb to let that slide and have to retake it. With all the major -planned- RCA events behind me, I figure focusing on academics should be pretty easy.
thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say
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  Bill Nye!
Bill Nye the science guy is going to be back in his white labcoat doing a guest appearance on CBS's "Numb3rs" next week. Just thought I'd share.
  Anime saved my GPA
So here's another little college story.
Tonight I was all flipped out because I didn't have my notebook done for Art Appreciation. I know, I know, slacker. Anyway, He didn't check mine, and when I asked him about it said he'd checked them all already. He looked in his little grade book and it turns out I got notebook credit for correctly answering what DaDaism is. I learned it from Samurai Champloo (an awesome anime). Samurai Champloo just saved my A in that class.
I love being a geek :)
Thursday, December 08, 2005
  Another Christmas List item
these "Spirit of Nashville" posters are awesome! I love the Ellison Place, Belle Meade Theatre (more recently aka Bookstar), Belcourt. Eh, I like em all!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
  Google Video of the Day: Proof cats are smarter.
This dog, while munching on a treat, is threatened by it's own attempt to scratch its ear. Apparently A, B, and C just didn't connect in this lil brain. Clicky.
  Too many mutants
I dreamed last night that the Xavier Academy was sending students to Murray State. Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters, that is. Mutant Academy. You see, the youngest class of X-Men, Kitty Pryde and her ilk, are rising up to college aged. And in order to keep attention off the Academy, they're looking for "host schools" in each region to integrate students into. They'd like Murray State to be one of them, the "premiere institute for mutant studies in the south." I didn't tell them that I don't think their slogan was grammatically incorrect. I might have been wrong.
Apparently, as we build our new residence hall, they're gonna move into the old one. Old Clark would be rennovated to accomodate "mutant needs."
I suggested they do so to all 9 halls, to further the Residential College Model, in which each RC is a microcosm of the campus as a whole. Dr R, our VP of Student Affairs, looked at me like I was nuts. I think the mutant delegation liked it.
Also, they'd be sending Ororo Munroe (Storm) to teach a Multicultural, Class and Gender Studies course and Shiro Yashida (Sunfire) to help with our Japanese program.

I think I've been reading too many comics. I woke up to find the x3 trailer online. Happy times to be a geek.
Welcome to the vacuum in which my various thoughts emerge, fight, and ultimately sink once more into obscurity.

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Location: Nashville/Murray, TN/KY, United States

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43 Things I want to do with my life.

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