It's been two weeks since college started back. One week since I got my room with Los and his army of toys deep in the dungeon of Clark College. I've toyed with running for Clark President, only to decline. I have no job this semester, but 3 Lit. classes are filling up my time with reading. And today I interviewed with the SGA for a position as PR chair, which would basically put me in charge of all the Senate web publications. 10 hours a week, I said. No problem.
Was I right?
Yeah, I can do 10 hours a week for the SGA. Heck, I did 5 on Senate while working in the library and taking Chemistry, which was much worse than anything my current classload can offer.
But I'm also running for Clark College Vice President.
So can I really put in 10+ hours of SGA work, probably another 10 hours of VP work (2 of meetings, at least one Basketball game a week, plus whatever committee work comes up), the library committee, which is really only about 5 hours a month, the SCA newsletter, which is probably about 5 hours a week once meetings are added in, and not to mention 15 hours of classes which is supposed to add up to 30 hours of homework. That's a total of 75 hours a week, which means 14+ hour days, if my fuzzy math still works, not including free time.
No problem.